Presbyopia Correcting Intraocular Implants
IOLs are soft, foldable lenses that are inserted into the eye in order to replace the natural lens that developed the cataract. These lenses are also viable options for some patients who have not yet developed cataract but want to reduce or eliminate their need for glasses with a procedure known as refractive lens exchange or RLE. Cataract surgery and Refractive Lens Exchange are identical procedures. The only difference is that with RLE, the lens is still mostly clear.
Made of plastic or silicone materials, IOLs come with monofocal, multifocal, or extended depth of focus. Monofocal IOLs provide a single zone of clear focus and are usually implanted to provide excellent distance vision. Patients with monofocal IOLs will typically require the use of reading glasses for near vision tasks, such as reading or sewing. Multifocal, extended depth of focus and accommodating IOLs (Advanced IOLs) are designed to provide a fuller range of vision with minimal, if any, need for glasses or contact lenses.

At Slade & Baker Vision we specialize in implantation of the most popular Premium Technology IOLs such as the Panoptix Trifocal, Vivity Extended Depth of Focus, and the RxSight Light Adjustable Lens.
*To show the level of precision possible when adjusting this lens, the engineers made this video of adjusting the lens shape to reflect the Slade & Baker Vision logo. It is time-lapsed and magnified.
We are also proud to share that we now offer the RxSight Light Adjustable Lens. It has the highest accuracy in the post-operative vision of any IOL ever used and we are one of the few sites nationwide who offer this lens. Please feel free to call our office at 713-626-5544 to learn more about the RxSight Light Adjustable Lens and schedule an evaluation to determine if it is the right lens for you.
Premium IOLs
If you are nearing the age for cataract surgery and want a reliable vision correction solution, premium lens implants might be a good idea. These lens implants are also referred to as “lifestyle lens implants” because afford excellent vision sometimes without the need for glasses. Before choosing that these premium lens implants are right for you it is important to discuss your lens implant options with your cataract surgeon.
As previously mentioned, several years ago patients only had the option of monofocal lens implants, which enabled vision at one distance only. Now, these new implants can offer a wide spectrum of vision including near, intermediate, and far vision. Premium lens implants have been helping people over 40 and cataract aged patients since they became a viable option. Could you possibly imagine being able to read the newspaper, drive at night, or play golf without the use of eyeglasses?
Now, patients have the options for multifocal lens implants that can correct vision at near, far and intermediate distances.
Now, patients have the options for multifocal and accommodating lens implants that can correct vision at near, far and intermediate distances. Some patients that receive this lens implant can even eliminate glasses from their lifestyle. These intraocular lenses come in a variety of materials and designs. Your cataract surgeon will be able to advise you on what type of lens would be best for your unique visual situation. It is important for patients to realize that while cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation frequently results in a reduced dependency on eyeglasses it is never guaranteed to eliminate this need totally.
Multifocal IOLs
Multifocal IOLs enable patients to see near, far and intermediate distances, and will reduce the likelihood of needing glasses or contacts after surgery.

Multifocal IOL lens implants enable patients to see near, far, and intermediate distances after surgery. With a multifocal IOL, the central portion of the lens has a series of steps that are carved in a very precise arrangement with varying step heights and distances between steps. Each of the steps of this diffractive optic bends the incoming light differently; creating a near focus that is quite separated from the distance focus formed by the remaining refractive portion of the lens.
This large separation between the two images allows for fewer artifacts or distortion in either of the images, providing good quality of vision at both distance and near. There are several different brands of Multifocal IOL Lens implants, and at Slade & Baker Vision Center, our surgeons will determine along with you, which implant is best for YOUR vision and your visual goals.
We are so fortunate now that advances in IOL implants have given cataract surgery patients more options after surgery! There are many different brands and choices of Multifocal lenses out there, and here, at Slade & Baker Vision Center, your surgeon will determine along with you, which lens implant is best suited for YOUR vision and your visual goals!
Is a Multifocal IOL Right for Me?
If you are a cataract patient who will have to rely on reading glasses or bifocals after your cataract surgery you may be a candidate for a Multifocal IOL. It is important that you speak with Dr. Slade to determine your vision expectations after cataract surgery. Although insurance generally covers monofocal lens implants, it does not cover multifocal lenses.
Astigmatic Premium Lens Implants
Treating Your Astigmatism
You may have astigmatism and not even know it. Even people who have never worn glasses or contacts can have astigmatism in the cornea that only becomes visually apparent after the natural lens or cataract is removed. It can occur along with nearsightedness and farsightedness and, if present, will blur your vision at all distances.
Types of Astigmatism
There are two main types of astigmatism- corneal and lenticular. Corneal astigmatism is present when the cornea, or outer window of the eye, is more curved in one direction than the other, similar to the shape of a football. Small amounts of corneal astigmatism can be neutralized or minimized by the shape of the natural lens inside the eye, which is why some people have astigmatism and never knew it.

After cataract surgery with astigmatism treated (left) versus after cataract surgery with untreated astigmatism (right).
With lenticular astigmatism, the lens inside the eye can also be curved and can balance corneal astigmatism. When the lens is removed, however, patients with corneal astigmatism will experience blurry vision that will require glasses unless they have their cornea treated for astigmatism during their cataract procedure.
At Slade & Baker Vision we use our femtosecond laser to treat small amounts of astigmatism at the time of surgery. For patients with more significant astigmatism, we use one of the Advanced Toric IOLs that have built-in astigmatism correction below. As with everything at Slade & Baker Vision, the surgical plan is totally customized.
Vivity® Lens
The Vivity® IOL gives patients distance and intermediate vision with a reduced optical side effect payoff. If a patient has had dryness, previous eye surgery, early macular degeneration, early glaucoma, or other eye diseases which would make their eyes “not healthy enough” for a multifocal IOL, the Vivity® may be a good option. Before the Vivity® lens, most patients with “less than perfectly healthy eyes” would otherwise have to settle for a basic monofocal lens with no range, and they would typically have to deal with a separate pair of computer (intermediate) glasses and reading (near) glasses.
Light Adjustable Lens (LAL)
The Light Adjustable Lens (LAL) is the only FDA-approved IOL that can be modified after cataract surgery for optimum results. Because of the ability to fine-tune the IOL power, many patients can reduce or eliminate the need for glasses.
The LAL is made of photosensitive material that changes shape in response to UV light. Special UV-blocking sunglasses are necessary to wear while outside during daylight hours throughout the duration of treatments. Following cataract surgery, you will meet with one of our doctors to customize your treatment plan. The lens can be adjusted up to three times to optimize your vision. Once your results are achieved, the prescription will be locked in, and the sunglasses will no longer be required.
Who is a good candidate for the LAL?
Anyone can be a great candidate for the LAL! During your cataract evaluation, you will meet with one of our doctors who will recommend the best IOL for you.
When will my treatments start?
It depends on your ocular history, but most patients will receive their first treatment within 2-3 weeks after cataract surgery. Each subsequent adjustment will be 1-2 weeks apart.
What can I expect during treatment appointments?
Your vision and prescription will be checked by one of our doctors. After trialing the desired outcome and ensuring you are satisfied, your pupils will be dilated. One of our doctors will use the LDD (Light Delivery Device) to deliver UV light to your IOL. The treatment typically takes less than two minutes per eye, is non-invasive and is painless.
As previously mentioned, the LAL can be adjusted up to three times. Once you are happy with your outcome, you will receive two “lock in” treatments to finalize the process.
We are thrilled to be offering technology that allows patients to test drive their vision and provide customizable vision correction post cataract surgery.
Lens technologies are constantly changing in the world of ophthalmology so we encourage you to continuously check with us about options for you and your loved ones. Patients should consult a qualified ophthalmologist like Dr. Slade to determine which lens would be right for them and if a refractive lens exchange would be advisable as well. If you are experiencing presbyopia or cataracts, please feel free to consult us about the possibility of utilizing this accommodative intraocular lens or any of our other premium lens options at Slade & Baker Vision.

The doctors at Slade and Baker Vision have either authored or reviewed and approved this content.