
Eye Color

As you can see through our blog posts, we love to share REAL patient surgery experiences with you.  Things like LASIK, cataract surgery, etc., all things you usually have questions about.

We also update you when our doctors are involved in studies and the FDA makes some exciting approvals of things we have been working on for years here at Slade & Baker Vision Center in Houston.

We were just thinking we don’t share a lot about WHY things like this are important…mainly the importance of a surgeons’ expertise in selecting the RIGHT new technology.

Would you want someone to remodel your kitchen if the last kitchen they remodeled was in 1990?

Or would you want someone to repair your car if the cars they usually fix are from the 1980’s?

Maybe those are not the best of examples, but why would you have someone perform surgery on your eyes that hasn’t had experience with the newest technology?

Besides having been involved in the FIRST LASIK procedure in our country, our surgeons have been a part of many firsts. They are asked to research equipment, lasers, implants, and lenses that are in the process of being FDA approved. As we reported on July 5th, we were a part of the FDA trials for the corneal inlay that helps Presbyopia.

Today we wanted to share a pretty cool case our doctors helped with.  This youtube video below is narrated by our very own Dr. Stephen Slade and has gone viral.

Why? Because it was a surgery he performed on a patient who had an iris implant placed outside of the US. Here’s an example of a technology we would NOT recommend.  There are artificial iris implants that are excellent and are in FDA trials.  Then there are those that are poorly designed and will NEVER get FDA approval.  This is an example of the latter, performed overseas.

What’s an iris implant?  If you have ever wanted blue eyes when you have brown eyes, then it would sound like your dream come true.  Too bad it’s not the best idea…and after watching this video, you will see why.

This is a procedure that we do not ever believe will be approved by US surgeons or the FDA…probably not something you will ever see again.

As you can see in this video, this patient ended up in our clinic in Texas with raised pressures, inflammation, loss of corneal cell, iris tissue and a loss of vision.  After removal, the vision, pressure and inflammation all improved!

Change Your Eye Color? Blue Eyes. Removal of Cosmetic Iris. Stephen Slade MD

Again, who would you trust YOUR eyes to?  I mean…I would trust mine to the doctors who have experience with the newest technologies and correct the issues that occur from other technologies.  But I’m a tad biased. Food for thought?

Call us at

for an evaluation at our clinic and see what technology is now available, or in development for YOUR vision issues!