Why You Should NOT Sleep in Your Contact Lenses


Last weekend was homecoming weekend for all of my friends from grad school, and of course, with any homecoming celebration comes a football game, and preceding the football game, of course, a tailgate. As we were all getting ready to head out for the day, one of my dearest friends came running up to me…

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Woman sleeping

Eye Tattoos: What’s up with that?


Photo Credit: Catt Gallinger Facebook Eye Tattoos: What’s up with that? Many of you may have heard of scleral tattoos AKA eye tattoos. This new fad involves “tattooing” the white part of the eye by injecting ink under the outer layer of the eye called the conjunctiva. Sound scary? Well, it is! Surfacing along with…

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eye tattoo scleral tattoo

Total Solar Eclipse in 1 Week! Are YOU prepared?


Next week on Monday, August 21, 2017, we will experience a Total Solar Eclipse. Read our press release below to become better prepared before that day arrives and check out our infographic for what to wear at the bottom! Dr. Walton’s helpful YouTube video is also included below and if you click here. News ReleaseBennett…

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Eclipse Infographic Eye Safety

The Science of Happiness


Forbes recently did an article cited here discussing why people should spend their money on experiences and not possessions. They found that the experiences of life brought more joy and memories than buying material “stuff”. Our brains quickly adjust to those new items, which become simply another outdated item in our home or driveway. The…

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Study Shows Contact Lens Wearers Happier After LASIK!


In the study cited here, 1800 people were surveyed over a 3-year period. While some of them continued to wear contact lenses, the remainder of the people involved in the study had LASIK. Of those people who had LASIK, the majority of them had successfully worn contact lenses for at least 5 years prior to…

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Happy woman