LASIK In Your Off-Season

Lasik surgery

As many of us are just recuperating this week from the Super Bowl fun, we thought it would be interesting to touch upon pro athletes and how they handle vision and LASIK. It’s pretty obvious that good vision is vital to an elite athlete’s performance.  They need it for their job and the better he…

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Football player

Can You Get Covid Through Your Eyes?

Eye health,Ophthalmology houston

A recent article by CNN Health investigates whether protecting our noses and mouths is enough to protect us against coronavirus. According to the clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Dr. Thomas Steinemann, “it’s certainly possible that a person could get Covid-19 through the eyes.” As the World Health Organization confirmed this summer, we…

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Woman in facemask rubbing her eye

Can Junk Food Affect Your Vision?

Eye health,Ophthalmology houston

A recent article on shared the story of a teenage boy who went blind after eating french fries, Pringles, and white bread for the majority of his life. Yes, this sounds crazy, but the boy’s case is real and we find that the information about nutrition contained in it is very important to share…

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Is Poor Sleep Linked to Glaucoma?

Dry eyes,Eye health,Ophthalmology houston

The Link Between Poor Sleep and Glaucoma The American Academy of Ophthalmology reported that a study conducted in the US released that over 6,700 people over 40 years old revealed a possible connection between having glaucoma and having sleep problems. The optic nerve is responsible for sending signals from your eye to your brain, and…

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Woman in bed looking at her phone