We can explain how important it is to have a surgeon who cares about your outcomes, we can also explain to you as a patient what it feels like to have the proper support from office staff during a surgery or procedure that can truly affect your vision such as laser cataract surgery. However, our explanation is nowhere close to how it sounds through one of our actual patient’s words. Those of you who have a loved one who is having vision problems, or looking into laser cataract surgery, or any eye surgery for that matter, please read below and share it with them.
“I was very impressed with Dr. Slade and Dr. Baker and their entire staff. I have a chronic illness and therefore on several medications. Their constant awareness of this and how that might relate to my cataract surgery said a lot for the doctors and their team.
My astigmatism was very strong (I’m 64 and have been wearing contacts since I was 12 years old). However the results of the surgery and lens implant were better than expected due to what I believe, was from the caring and expertise of both Dr. Slade and Dr. Baker.
I’m so grateful to Slade & Baker Vision Center who made this experience a positive one.”
– JB