Cataract surgery houston,Dry eyes

Diagnostic eye equipment

The Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery JCRS, shared in a recent article, that most people who are about to have cataract surgery also have Meibomian Gland Dysfunction or what we refer to as “MGD”.

This means that the oil glands that produce the top layer of tear film aren’t doing their job.

As a result, this can dramatically affect your vision after cataract surgery.  Those that have MGD may have their post-operative vision limited by the already existing dryness in their eyes and not know why they are not seeing better after surgery!

If you or a family member is contemplating having cataract surgery, we include a Meibomian Gland screening as part of our comprehensive cataract workup.

Because our surgeons Dr. Stephen Slade & Dr. Bennett Walton are cataract and refractive specialists, we know exactly what will affect you pre and post operatively, and we test for it before you schedule your surgery.

A lot of different things play into the success of a cataract surgery, from the severity of your contacts, to any previous vision or refractive surgeries, the kind of lens you will get, and any kind of dryness (including MGD) that affects your corneas.  We make sure we try our very best for you to achieve your best vision after surgery!

Call us today at 713-626-5544 to schedule a cataract evaluation and you can rest assured sure you are in the best hands!