Can Junk Food Affect Your Vision?

Eye health,Ophthalmology houston

A recent article on shared the story of a teenage boy who went blind after eating french fries, Pringles, and white bread for the majority of his life. Yes, this sounds crazy, but the boy’s case is real and we find that the information about nutrition contained in it is very important to share…

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Can Popping Bottles Poke Your Eye Out?

Eye health,In the news

We all heard it from our parents as kids “careful not to poke your eye out!” Whether it was playing with BB guns or slingshots, or whatever the toy was, we were raised to be careful with anything that could potentially fly near or into our eyes – for good reason. Let’s fast forward to…

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Champaign popping cork

Is Poor Sleep Linked to Glaucoma?

Dry eyes,Eye health,Ophthalmology houston

The Link Between Poor Sleep and Glaucoma The American Academy of Ophthalmology reported that a study conducted in the US released that over 6,700 people over 40 years old revealed a possible connection between having glaucoma and having sleep problems. The optic nerve is responsible for sending signals from your eye to your brain, and…

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Woman in bed looking at her phone