Can Popping Bottles Poke Your Eye Out?

Eye health,In the news

We all heard it from our parents as kids “careful not to poke your eye out!” Whether it was playing with BB guns or slingshots, or whatever the toy was, we were raised to be careful with anything that could potentially fly near or into our eyes – for good reason. Let’s fast forward to…

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Champaign popping cork

Dr. Slade Presented AECOS Visionary Award

In the news

Today is an exciting day at Slade & Baker Vision!  I’m happy to announce a guest blogger today, our own Dr. Bennett Walton.  He specifically asked if he could write this post himself, and how could I say no?! ————- At the recent meeting of the American-European Congress of Ophthalmic Surgery, which was held in…

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Dr. Walton And Dr. Slade

Dr. Stephen Slade Presented with Joseph Colin Award

In the news

This past week at the American-European Congress of Ophthalmic Surgery (AECOS) meeting in Berlin, our very own, Dr. Stephen Slade of Slade and Baker Vision, was presented with an incredible honor, the Joseph Colin Award, named after a hero in ophthalmology. Dr. Joseph Colin was well known in ophthalmology for a neverending list of contributions…

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Stephen Slade MD