It’s your turn for laser cataract surgery. Who do you choose? A patient’s letter to us.
We get feedback from our patients, but some of our favorites come from our friends. Bob Watson, the owner of Patient Education Concepts, could have gone to over 8,000 ophthalmologists when it came time to have his femtosecond laser cataract surgery. He came to us. Read his touching letter below and learn about having cataract…
Read MoreWhy did YOU get LASIK?
Why did I finally decide YES to LASIK? I get this question on the regular. Out of all the things we always say we want to do or need to do, many people get consultations or research LASIK, but stay on the fence for some time. What was the deciding factor for me? Many people…
Read MoreThe Importance of Bedside Manner
“If I had another eye to give you I would!” Ms. Nancy Hamner saw her regular eye doctor every year in the beautiful Woodlands, Texas. As the mother of an optometrist, her vision was always something she considered and took good care of. She started to notice she couldn’t see street signs the same, but…
Read MoreGreat LASIK Patient Experience at Slade & Baker Vision Center
As you all know, we usually don’t take the time to sit in front of our computers and actually write a review when we had a GOOD experience. We usually only take the time to login, create a username/password and type (very loudly and strongly) when we are MAD, ANGRY or feel like we were…
Read More“The World wasn’t bright anymore and I’m used to the world being bright” – a Life changed by Laser Cataract Surgery
You would be surprised at how many patients who have been diagnosed with a cataract stop driving at night completely. Or even scarier, the number of them that try to drive by taking back roads or just drive extremely slowly on main roads. For Ms. Judy Jackson, she took the safer road, although she didn’t…
Read MoreLASIK: Give yourself a gift this year. Better Vision? You deserve it! Use your FLEX dollars or your HSA before 2015!
LASIK: A Holiday gift to yourself! It’s that time of year again. We just passed Halloween but Christmass decorations are already up all over the mall! We haven’t even made it to Thanksgiving! Maybe you should be more pro-active like those little elves that hang the Christmas lights so early. Give yourself the gift you…
Read More“I COULD SEE!” – A LASIK story, from a patient’s eyes
We can write about what happens at our office any day of the week. We can explain to patients how LASIK works, how they will feel, the entire process. We can even show them videos and animations thanks to technology. However, hearing what happens from another party, in their own words, especially one of our…
Read MoreCorneal Crosslinking CXL for Keratoconus: in a patient’s own words!
Nothing speaks more highly when you are deciding whether you should make a decision for a medical procedure than when you hear from a patient that has gone through a similar experience. Please read below. This is one of our keratoconus patients that was treated by Drs. Slade and Baker at our clinic. She chose…
Read More“Even my son’s face looked different”: Laser Cataract Life Altering Surgery with Dr. Stephen Slade & Dr. Rick Baker
As Dr. Baker summed it all up, “Wow. Some days are better than others.” There are patient stories about surgery and then there are stories that bring you to tears and change your day. This is one of those. He brought tears to our own doctors eyes the day after his surgery. He brought tears…
Read MoreLASER CATARACT SURGERY – A Patient’s Perspective
We all know that we usually do not provide reviews for restaurants, doctors’ offices, stores, etc. unless we are unhappy or had a bad experience. So you know when someone takes the time to write about you, it’s because it must’ve been great! Last night we were left an amazing review by an amazing patient. …
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