Not a LASIK candidate? Severely Nearsighted? Call us! Personal patient story about ICL surgery.
Chris was severely nearsighted. The prescription in his glasses was so strong that he finally got tired of the distortion from his lenses. It was so hard for him to see. In his hometown of Shreveport, Chris went to his local eye doctor for his vision exam and the doctor decided he should come to…
Read More“You can get a hearing aid, but you can’t replace your sight.” Monovision Patient’s Laser Cataract Surgery Experience
“You can get a hearing aid, but you can’t replace your sight.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves! David Mills has been wearing contacts and glasses all his life. Five years ago, he had LASIK and was corrected to have monovision. He had his right eye corrected to see distance, and his left eye…
Read More‘I’m happy’ is an understatement. My life is completely changed!
‘I’m happy’ is an understatement. My life is completely changed! When you start wearing glasses at 8 years old, you get really used to dealing with vision problems by the time you turn 48. Mrs. Miller’s vision just got worse and worse after her 8th birthday. She was put into soft contact lenses, then had…
Read MoreIt’s your turn for laser cataract surgery. Who do you choose? A patient’s letter to us.
We get feedback from our patients, but some of our favorites come from our friends. Bob Watson, the owner of Patient Education Concepts, could have gone to over 8,000 ophthalmologists when it came time to have his femtosecond laser cataract surgery. He came to us. Read his touching letter below and learn about having cataract…
Read MoreWhy did YOU get LASIK?
Why did I finally decide YES to LASIK? I get this question on the regular. Out of all the things we always say we want to do or need to do, many people get consultations or research LASIK, but stay on the fence for some time. What was the deciding factor for me? Many people…
Read More“I could see things across the house I could never see before.”
“I could see my wife’s bridal portrait on top of the piano, I could actually see her face.” David B. told us that he had struggled with glasses and contacts for years. He was told he would eventually need reading glasses but if he had LASIK, he would potentially be able to have at least…
Read MoreAre your glasses waiting on your nightstand in the morning? Read about how LASIK was the best gift I have ever received.
Marc has been wearing glasses since he was a little boy. Everyone who is close to Marc now knows that before 2 weeks ago, he could not see without glasses or contact lenses. Now in his 40’s, Marc’s morning routine began the same way every single day. When he would wake up his glasses were…
Read More“The world is a much brighter place now” – Laser Cataract Patient shares her surgery experience
On August 6th, 2015, Ms. Janet had her second Laser Cataract Surgery with Dr. Slade.She had waited a long 3 months since May for eye number 2 as she had eye number 1 (her left eye) done on May 27th this year.Before surgery, she had bad distance vision and did not drive at night anymore…
Read MorePersonal LASIK Experience from Me to You. Summer is flying by, come see us for a FREE consultation ASAP!
We have written many blogs about patient experiences at our office. Patient LASIK experiences, Patient Laser Cataract Experiences, Patient’s experiences with clinical trials we are conducting…but after doing our research, none of the blogs have been viewed as much as the ones regarding personal friends. We posted one a couple years back about the horrors…
Read MoreNew SMILE procedure, a LASIK alternative offered in Houston, Texas at Slade & Baker Vision Center
When heavily immersed in a profession, you sometimes lose sight of what outsiders and the public may think about the surgeries and patients you are around daily. This happens to all of us lucky staff members at Slade & Baker Vision Center. We were the first clinical trial site in all of Texas to provide…
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