Reading In the Dark and Other Eye Myths Debunked
There are many articles written daily about eye health, and we have even spread some knowledge to the masses about what happens when someone sleeps in their contacts on our own blog! But one recent article featured in The New York Times provided a great summary on some common True or False beliefs that we all grew up…
Read MoreLight Adjustable Lens: Cataract Surgery with Two Eyes at Once
Featured,Light adjustable lens
Last week at the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Dr. Stephen Slade presented a lecture on the new RXSight Light Adjustable Lens (LAL). Dr. Slade has been involved with the LAL from the initial clinical trial phases and the first surgery in the US, so being able to share about his unique perspective on their unique…
Read MoreDr. Nikitha Reddy MD Joins Slade & Baker Vision
Cataract surgery houston,Featured,In the news
We are so excited to announce that our newest superstar surgeon, Dr. Nikitha Reddy MD, joined Slade & Baker Vision officially on October 10th. You can find out all about her by clicking on her bio, but we wanted to do a little bit of a deeper dive into WHO she is and WHERE she…
Read MoreWhy You Should NOT Sleep in Your Contact Lenses
Last weekend was homecoming weekend for all of my friends from grad school, and of course, with any homecoming celebration comes a football game, and preceding the football game, of course, a tailgate. As we were all getting ready to head out for the day, one of my dearest friends came running up to me…
Read MoreThe Bigger the Phone or Tablet, the Less Eye Discomfort!
Eye health,Ophthalmology houston,Refractive lens exchange
In a study published recently, it was concluded that size matters when it comes to your eyes and your smartphones or tablets. A larger phone or tablet font was connected with reduced eye discomfort! It goes without saying that the use of smart devices is at an all-time high. Many of us can be labeled…
Read MoreSex After Eye Surgery
****Please note that this blog post contains themes more mature than our typical blog post. Our goal in this post is to communicate clearly and specifically without being inappropriate.**** One of the frequently asked questions after LASIK or cataract surgery is: “Can I have sex after surgery?” It’s a question that many ask, but even more…
Read MoreI’ve Worn Glasses Since 2nd Grade: An EVO ICL Patient Story
When patients get tired of wearing glasses and contacts after years and years of it being their ‘norm’ they come to us for solutions. Our vision is sacred, and we know stories like this help our patients learn about what is out there and what can potentially help them so we like to share them…
Read MoreCommon Facts, Stats and Myths of Cataracts – Cataract Awareness Month
In honor of Cataract Awareness Month coming to an end this week, we wanted to share some common facts about Cataracts which we are always surprised our patients don’t know too much about. There is a whopping 94 million people who have moderate to severe vision impairment due to untreated cataracts in this world (according…
Read MoreCan I Have Both Cataracts Done at the Same Time?
Every cataract patient is different, and every surgery is different. But one thing remains the same. Once eye number one has cataract surgery, almost all patients ask “WHEN CAN I HAVE MY SECOND EYE DONE?”!This is a common theme and for many years, surgeons have not traditionally done two eyes on the same day. Even…
Read MoreWhen is My Vision Stable Enough For LASIK?
I was just talking to a 26-year-old friend about her latest eye doc appointment and how she was getting new contacts. I reminisced about getting LASIK at 28 years old and how much it changed my life. We compared contact lens prescriptions and she said ‘Wait. I thought my vision had to ‘not change’ for…
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